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automated highway systems中文是什么意思

用"automated highway systems"造句"automated highway systems"怎么读"automated highway systems" in a sentence


  • 自动高速通道系统,自动高速(数据)通路系统


  • One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system
  • Automated highway system ( ahs ) is recently regarded as one subsystem of intelligent transport system ( its )
    近年来自动公路系统( automatedhighwaysystem , ahs ) ,作为智能运输系统的子系统之一越来越受到重视。
  • 3 this is now a realistic prospect . with advances in technology we can readily visualize your trip on an automated highway system
  • Futhermore , the thesis narrates the implementation way of the code generator . finally , the thesis assumes to design the automated highway system by the hierarchical and distributed control method , and develop such complex system with the design software for the hdcs
  • The development of driving simulators , scene simulation and automated highway system at home and aboard is introduced in the dissertation . the significance of ahs simulators is expatiated . the foundation and optimizing technology of scene simulation in real - time simulation system is analysized
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